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Donec at ex et metus lobortis feugiat. Nunc tincidunt volutpat nunc. Nunc eros mi, tincidunt et sollicitudin quis, vulputate eget eros. Ut eu purus vel dui viverra scelerisque. Quisque nibh turpis, fringilla ut convallis et, laoreet at nulla. Donec et velit nec nulla tincidunt consectetur sit amet viverra lorem. Quisque ultricies eu arcu quis pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur commodo quis tortor id mattis. Aliquam blandit, mi gravida venenatis ultricies, sapien dolor congue ante, et elementum sem ipsum et urna. Pellentesque placerat laoreet lacus ac suscipit. Quisque dictum pulvinar nibh id ultrices. Sed vitae mauris eu leo ultricies placerat bibendum nec odio. Nam maximus pharetra orci, a rhoncus neque convallis id.

Mondo Ponds in Milford, CT - a summer morning walk through the park.
View of Charles Island from Silver Sands State Park boardwalk in Milford, CT.
Landing bee at Beaverbrook Trail in Milford, CT
Statue of Lady of Good and Evil in a home garden in Milford, CT
Early morning sunrise at Mondo Ponds in Milford, CT just before the clouds roll in for an overcast day.
City Hall in Milford, CT
View of Charles Island from Fort Trumbull in Milford, CT in winter.
View of the beach looking toward Silver Sands State Park in Milford, CT
View of the reed grass and boardwalk at Silver Sands State Park in Milford, CT
View of an estuary behind the Animal Shelter in Milford, CT
Early morning view of Charles Island from the beach area near Silver Sands State Park in Milford, CT
The Gazebo/Bandstand on the Green in Milford, CT
A winter seagull from the beach looking out into the Long Island Sound in Milford, CT
View of Charles Island on the Long Island Sound from Walnut Beach in Milford, CT
View of Wepawaug Bridge under the train tressle on Prospect Street. I doctored this image to get rid of wires and roof fans!
View of Mondo Ponds in Fall 2016 - just before the leaves fell.
A wild turkey in a side yard October 2016 showing it's feathers!
Closest view of the moon in November 2016.
Swirl of leaves at Mondo Ponds - shot at about a 30th of a second rotating the camera circularly.
A beautiful early morning late March snowfall. Snow was gone by noon that day.